Interview with Aloeride®

Tell us a bit about your medical background.

I am a Chartered Physiotherapist, Registered Acupuncturist and Naturopath. After working in the National Health Service, I started my solo practice to deliver an integration of conventional and complimentary medicine. The practice started from scratch in a small community and after some 22 years it now has some 6,500 patients on the database. Over-all my medical work experience covers 29 years.

How did you first become interested in aloe vera?

Obviously I have always known about aloe vera but it was my daughter’s eczema that forced me to look into this real closely. The conventional way of managing eczema is via steroid creams but there’s a very distinct flipside to that. Managing with diet also didn’t give much joy BUT she responded instantaneously to Aloeride®. That was a happy day I can tell you!

There are many aloe vera products out there, why did you decide to create your own?

That is simple! Most aloe fluids taste way too dreadful to give to a four year old (or to an adult for that matter). Many had additives of one variety or another and I wanted something that was 100% pure. Also there are issues with fluid aloe vera, like for instance bacterial degradation and oxidation. By taking the water out of the equation in a totally responsible fashion you solve those issues. And you end up with a portable product, so people can carry Aloeride® around in their handbag or jacket and use it when they feel a need for it. The advantage is obvious isn’t it, if you use Aloeride® because of digestive issues it is really really handy to be able to ingest one/two as and when you feel the need for it/them. What use would a bottle of aloe vera juice be to you at home in the fridge?

Can you briefly describe how Aloeride is manufactured?

Grow plants organically under textbook conditions, harvest in specific season, unique process and freeze dry to powder, first laboratory QC test, if to my exacting standards then bulk buy, further QC laboratory tests in multiple laboratories, the key aim obviously is achieve consistency, powder to pharmaceutical trial companies, more tests, storage in fulfilment company.

What makes Aloeride different from other aloe vera products?

Three words: strength, spectrum and purity. By strength I mean that the (repeat laboratory proven) quantity of working molecules is higher than in other aloe vera products. This is like ’how many kilograms of potatoes there are in the bag’. Next for good aloe vera there must be a full spectrum of the different polysaccharide molecules. And this is where Aloeride® excels because it doesn’t just have masses of molecules, it also has their full spectrum. This combination is VERY difficult to achieve. So, not only are there masses of potatoes, they have all sizes with LOTS of big ones (Aloeride®’s aloeride molecule fraction is unique within the industry), and each of them synergistically interacts with the other. Purity is obvious, Aloeride® simply has no additives a body can react to. You probably know of the Aloeride® \'healing inside-out\' philosophy, well the other philosophy is \'sharing\' and we do this by giving the end consumer substantial discounts. Not just ‘every little helps’ discounts, but WOW discounts like our 20% 6-pack discount on an unparalleled product.

For which conditions in particular would you recommend Aloeride?

Aloe vera affects epithelial tissue and modulates the immune system. Epithelial tissue most affected is skin and digestive tract lining. Starting with wellbeing, the other areas where Aloeride® may help are Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease as well as duodenal and stomach ulcers and oesophagitis and intra-oral lesions. For skin Aloeride® may be useful for eczema, leg ulcers, psoriasis. Then one particular area of interest is increasing the resilience to UV light, so this covers safe sun exposure and keeping one’s tan longer. I suggest you have a look at the different articles provided, particularly those provided by Dr. Karen Vieira PhD and by myself.

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