As everyone knows, stress and anxiety create all kinds of chemical reactions within our bodies. This is only exacerbated ten-fold if you happen to be an A-type personality and a hundred-fold if you happen to be an A-type artistic performer. Before entering an audition, a shoot or a stage performance most artists go through an absolute wild ride of emotions and reactions. When you are around them you can feel the momentum building like a volcano. Back stage it is absolutely electrifying and so tense you can cut it with a knife. This is equally true for the rock band about to go on stage, or an actor coming onto the set. It is that “zone” of extreme emotions, vulnerability and pumping adrenalin which is brought up from the depths of the body in order to give exaggerated life to the performance.
One of the body’s reactions that takes place in that zone is the famous fight or flight response which is what produces hormones such as cortisol and epinephrine. Whether it’s a two or three hour rock concert or an actor waiting all day to do a scene, the body must remain in that alarm state for extended periods of time in order to fulfill the demands of the performance. This state in turn releases abundant chemical reactions in the body including, but not limited to, the over-production of the adrenal hormones as well as an overflow of acids into the stomach. These acids cause disruption of digestion, as well as, severe irritation and damage to the lining and intestinal villi. And this is why most artists and performers suffer from a never ending list of stomach and intestinal ailments. Everything from a simple nervous stomach to ulcers, IBS, colitis and even more serious maladies such as crohn’s -just to name a few. Some performers resort to over the counter meds, a multitude of prescriptions, and even illegal drugs to keep their stress levels in check and attempt to control their body’s reaction to the pressure. Unfortunately, eventually this way of addressing emotions and natural chemical reactions within the body will cause far more damage, possible addiction, and often premature death. In fact, most doctors will tell you, if you wait until the stressors are present before employing some way of managing the effects, then the damage is probably already done. So, no matter how you look at it, being an overly-sensitive creative person subjected to the outrageous emotional and physical demands which come along with working in the entertainment business, is a sure fire formula for disaster.
However, most smart artists are well aware of the physical demands way ahead of the moment they must walk onto a stage or on set. Artists from Madonna to Bono to Matt Damon to Will Smith to Nicole Kidman and Scarlett Johansson, all on 2008’s top paid performer’s list, have long ago learned it is ALL about preparation. They know if they want to remain in good health, maintain their looks and stay on the A-list they must practice preventative measures long before a tour or role begins. A well disciplined artist refuses to be carelessness and thus become a victim of post performance damage control.
And this is where a powerful new health aid from England called ALOERIDE has come into big play among those who heartily embrace prevention. Aloeride is a pure uncompromised derivative of Barbadensis Miller aloe vera. And as everyone knows, the aloe vera plant has for centuries held the ultimate position as the “miracle” healing aid to skin and cells. Aloeride is refined molecules of pure aloe vera placed in a convenient capsule, then blister foil sealed to maintain its powerful effectiveness. This tiny capsule contains over 300 nutrients which help sustain and feed every cell in the body. Aloeride is proven in independent testing to be especially effective in addressing stomach and intestinal issues. It can actually help balance stomach acid, heal and reduce the mucosal layer within the intestinal wall which prevents mal-absorption, and supports the tiny villi responsible for taking up nutrients into the blood stream. With the support of Aloeride® the body’s overall functions improve greatly and many of the body’s cells are actually layered in a coat of protective molecules. This protection functions as a barrier against the aggressive free radicals or hormones launched in high stress situations. Aloeride® taken daily for three weeks prior to any stressful situation can provide definitive protection. It has also been noted to provide a general sense of well being which in turn assists the body’s coping mechanisms and actually reduces the stressful response itself. Now that’s a preventative measure! However, you don’t have to be a performer or A-type personality to reap the enormous benefits of this miraculous tiny capsule in a little green box. You just need to be smart enough to know prevention is by far the very best thing you can possibly do for your body.
One of the body’s reactions that takes place in that zone is the famous fight or flight response which is what produces hormones such as cortisol and epinephrine. Whether it’s a two or three hour rock concert or an actor waiting all day to do a scene, the body must remain in that alarm state for extended periods of time in order to fulfill the demands of the performance. This state in turn releases abundant chemical reactions in the body including, but not limited to, the over-production of the adrenal hormones as well as an overflow of acids into the stomach. These acids cause disruption of digestion, as well as, severe irritation and damage to the lining and intestinal villi. And this is why most artists and performers suffer from a never ending list of stomach and intestinal ailments. Everything from a simple nervous stomach to ulcers, IBS, colitis and even more serious maladies such as crohn’s -just to name a few. Some performers resort to over the counter meds, a multitude of prescriptions, and even illegal drugs to keep their stress levels in check and attempt to control their body’s reaction to the pressure. Unfortunately, eventually this way of addressing emotions and natural chemical reactions within the body will cause far more damage, possible addiction, and often premature death. In fact, most doctors will tell you, if you wait until the stressors are present before employing some way of managing the effects, then the damage is probably already done. So, no matter how you look at it, being an overly-sensitive creative person subjected to the outrageous emotional and physical demands which come along with working in the entertainment business, is a sure fire formula for disaster.
However, most smart artists are well aware of the physical demands way ahead of the moment they must walk onto a stage or on set. Artists from Madonna to Bono to Matt Damon to Will Smith to Nicole Kidman and Scarlett Johansson, all on 2008’s top paid performer’s list, have long ago learned it is ALL about preparation. They know if they want to remain in good health, maintain their looks and stay on the A-list they must practice preventative measures long before a tour or role begins. A well disciplined artist refuses to be carelessness and thus become a victim of post performance damage control.
And this is where a powerful new health aid from England called ALOERIDE has come into big play among those who heartily embrace prevention. Aloeride is a pure uncompromised derivative of Barbadensis Miller aloe vera. And as everyone knows, the aloe vera plant has for centuries held the ultimate position as the “miracle” healing aid to skin and cells. Aloeride is refined molecules of pure aloe vera placed in a convenient capsule, then blister foil sealed to maintain its powerful effectiveness. This tiny capsule contains over 300 nutrients which help sustain and feed every cell in the body. Aloeride is proven in independent testing to be especially effective in addressing stomach and intestinal issues. It can actually help balance stomach acid, heal and reduce the mucosal layer within the intestinal wall which prevents mal-absorption, and supports the tiny villi responsible for taking up nutrients into the blood stream. With the support of Aloeride® the body’s overall functions improve greatly and many of the body’s cells are actually layered in a coat of protective molecules. This protection functions as a barrier against the aggressive free radicals or hormones launched in high stress situations. Aloeride® taken daily for three weeks prior to any stressful situation can provide definitive protection. It has also been noted to provide a general sense of well being which in turn assists the body’s coping mechanisms and actually reduces the stressful response itself. Now that’s a preventative measure! However, you don’t have to be a performer or A-type personality to reap the enormous benefits of this miraculous tiny capsule in a little green box. You just need to be smart enough to know prevention is by far the very best thing you can possibly do for your body.