When Jack frost bites, its time for Aloeride®

You can always snuggle up next to the fire with a warm and cozy blanket. But old Jack Frost always manages to find a way in and the first effects of his arrival can be seen on your skin. The skin starts to lose its moisture and becomes dry and chapped. Have you ever seen a professional mountaineer? Seen his/her hands and cheeks? That’s precisely how you will start to look if you do not take care to winter proof your skin. “Winter proofing the skin? Hmmm, now that’s something new.” A survey by the international dermal institute has revealed that over 59% of women over the age of 18 face problems with dry skin during winter despite applying moisturizers. The temperature outside is dropping while the body is trying to cope with it by increasing its temperature and the result is that your skin is stripped of its moisture very soon. Heavier clothing, longer hot showers, lower humidity etc can only aggravate the situation. Most people will keep lathing lotion or moisturizing cream hoping to beat the winter weather. But you need something far more potent that helps the body to cope with the winter weather by nourishing it from within. 

The Aloe Vera plant

The aloe vera plant has been used as an external skin care remedy for centuries now. Scriptures and historical texts suggest the use of aloevera since 5000 years. The methodology has also been simple. The leaf of the plant contains a transparent and clear gel, which is extracted and used for topical application. This gel works wonders with scrapes, bruises and burns and is also effective in combating dry, flaky or chapped skin in winter. But, isn’t that a tad too tedious? Imagine yourself armed with a pair of garden scissors every morning trimming of that aloevera plant and extracting the gel. Do you have the time for that? I certainly don’t and that’s precisely why I chose Aloeride®. Aloeride® is an aloe vera supplement that helps your body combat the harsh wintry winds with ease. Now, I know what you are thinking. There are a million other aloe vera supplements in the market. What’s so special about this one? Well, here are some answers. Aloeride® is the only herbal aloe vera supplement that is manufactured to pharmaceutical GMP (classified as grade D(EU grade)/class 10000) including stability tests. That might seem like a lot of technical jargon but in simple terms, it is one of the most stringent quality tests for health supplements around the world. Not all aloevera products are created equal. But Aloeride® has all the molecules required to deliver all the potent nutrients of aloe vera to the body. 

Skin care

No amount of external moisturizers can provide you with the kind of protection that Aloeride® offers. It is rich in polysaccharides which enhance the collagen producing ability of the body thereby leading to healthier and younger looking skin. It retains the moisture in the skin that is robbed by the dry winter air. The best part is that it comes in a small, easy to swallow pill making it ideal for people of all ages. You no longer have to drink horrible tasting aloe drinks. So, do yourself a favor and get a bottle of Aloeride® along with your favorite Christmas preparations. After all, you want to look your best during Christmas. Don’t you?

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